109-Year-Old Has Bingo Birthday Party That Puts All Other Celebrations to Shame
What would you do if the home were living in agreed to celebrate your birthday however you wanted? Rent a private plane and fly around the world with your friends? Go to a convenience store and buy out all the lottery tickets? Make a viral video asking Brad Pitt out on a date? For Jennie Libertini, the answer was simple - she wanted a bingo party, so that’s exactly what she got!
109 Years Old
Jennie Libertini is a Maryland woman who resides at the Little Sisters of the Poor at St. Martin's Home in Catonsville. And, she is now a whopping 109 years old! St. Martin's development director, Marcy Shea-Frank, explained how Libertini's birthday was important to everyone. Apparently, Libertini moved into the home at the age of 105, and made a huge splash right away! "She would go around to the tables, and she would make sure that people were eating. She would take food off her own plate and give it to them, and she was told that she didn't have to do that." Unfortunately, Libertini suffered a fall and hasn't been her usual spunky self since then. That's why making sure her birthday celebration was everything she could ever want was so important.
The Party
Shea-Frank explained the party planning process by saying, "When she was asked what she wanted to do for her birthday, she said she wanted to have a bingo birthday party." The development director went on to explain that some girls from a local school stopped by to sing for Libertini on her special day, and "She just loved it." Shea-Frank went on to gush, "Jennie is just very caring, extremely sweet her whole life and just happy, very, very happy. Even in the condition she's in now, all she does is smile and nod her head. Our mother foundress said back in 1869, 'Making the residents happy is all there is.' Jennie had that spirit of making everybody happy, is all there is. So, she came in here as a resident, but she came in here with the idea that she was going to make everybody happy and she was going to take care of everybody."

Happy birthday, Jennie!